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    Our Belief

    At Epic Bones, we believe that everyone has a powerful higher self pulsing inside of them waiting to bust out and fulfill their destiny here on Earth. As you march forward on your quest, our cards ensure you feel prepared and supported to achieve your wildest dreams!


    Some Background

    Epic Bones was created by Leeanne Brennan, and artist and writer. The company was born out of the founder's journey becoming a Mom. She was not prepared for this major life change, and let's just say...she struggled A LOT in the early years. Leeanne felt the pull to return to her personal artwork, but it had been so long since she had made any art for herself, she was in a new season of life as a Mom, and felt very overwhelmed.

    After discovering manifestation and going down the personal development rabbit hole, however, Leeanne managed to completely change how she viewed her life and what was possible...and this is what her art is about - motivation to rise above and take on any challenge, no matter what.

    The affirmation cards that Leeanne creates are a reflection of all that she is learning as she continues to do the deep inner work that is healing her soul.

      Leeanne lives in Chapel Hill, NC with her husband and 2 children where she strives to help people see that our minds are malleable and capable of changing our reality. Our alternate futures are waiting for us to up level and draw them in. Our dreams are already true.

    Our Values

    At Epic Bones, we support LGBTQIA+, reproductive rightsholistic health AND modern medicine (including vaccines), climate change action, equal rights for all races and ethnicities, whatever religion you choose as long as you're not forcing someone else to practice or adopt yours, and being an overall kind and companionate person.

    Phew! That got heavy for a second, but in today's arena, we feel compelled to share our full selves here.

    Please know, we love you all!


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    Contact Leeanne: for any questions